As the daughter of an eccentric mechanical engineer and a stiff-upper-lipped British nurse, Bonni Reid lives in the space where these two worlds meet. The fact that the two worlds do not actually meet has not prevented her from residing there.
Being raised as an only child of parents two generations older allowed Bonni plenty of time for discovering all of the skeletons in the closets. She is still discovering, recording and referencing them today.
After graduating from the Graphic Design & Illustration Program at Capilano College in Vancouver, BC, Bonni unexpectedly fulfilled a childhood dream of working in animation. Over the years, she has worked on animation productions for networks such as MTV, BBC, Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network. As satisfying as this road has been, Bonni discovered that something was still creatively missing from her life, so when a friend suggested that she participate in a small group art exhibition across the border, Bonni jumped at the chance. She sold her very first piece within 15 minutes of the exhibit opening.
Since then, Bonni has appeared in a number of prestigious alternative galleries including DvA Gallery (Chicago) and La Luz de Jesus Gallery (L.A.), selling out the latter even before the official opening. Bonni has also recently collaborated with the respected, high-profile company Classic Hardware (L.A.) by using her unique paintings to create stylish jewellery and accessories that are sold worldwide.
Combining her knowledge of illustration and cartoon-friendly sense of humour with a love of classical Renaissance paintings, abandoned places, anatomy, weird mechanical devices, surrealism, fairytales and magic, Bonni creates an uncommon narrative expressing the way she sees things that are hidden beneath the surface. Every painting for Bonni is like an image being developed from an old roll of film found in a dusty, forgotten attic; part mystery, part discovery.
Bonni Reid brews her visual concoctions in the West End of Vancouver, British Columbia.